Civilization: vivere, sopravvivere, Buon Vivere

17 September 2022 – 8 January 2023

Musei San Domenico
Piazza Saffi

Civilization: vivere, sopravvivere, Buon Vivere is a major international artistic and cultural project that brings together around three hundred images by over 135 photographers from five continents. The main themes are the present and future of the contemporary world, which is increasingly characterised by interconnection and globalisation.

The fundamental aim of Civilization is to reflect and get people to reflect on the consequences of our lifestyles and of how we live together in contemporary society through an original and spectacular presentation of images depicting how we produce and consume, work and play, travel and inhabit, think and create, collaborate and clash, the technological conquests, or the actions of men on the environment, the great phenomena of aggregation, and the physical and immaterial movements characterising the world in which we live.

The exhibition is co-produced by the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography (Minneapolis, New York, Paris, Lausanne) and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Korea in Seoul, in collaboration with Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì. Civilization: vivere, sopravvivere, Buon Vivere was curated by William A. Ewing and Holly Roussell and assisted by Justine Chapalay. The Forlì edition was coordinated by Walter Guadagnini, Monica Fantini and Fabio Lazzari.